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Please enter N/A if there are no criminal convictions/Civil Cases /liens judgmentsPlease list any civil cases in which you are/were a plaintiff or a defendant:
Please enter N/A if there are no criminal convictions/Civil Cases /liens judgmentsPlease list any pending criminal cases or past criminal convictions:
LIENS/JUDGMENTSPlease list any liens/judgments filed against youPlease enter N/A if there are no criminal convictions/Civil Cases /liens judgments
In connection with, prior to and after my application for Employment I understand that investigative background inquiries will be made on myself. That may include consumer, criminal, Department of Motor Vehicle records, civil records, and other records. These reports may include information as to my character, work habits, performance along with reasons for termination of past employment. Further, I understand that you may be requesting information from various Federal, State and other agencies which maintain records concerning past employment, driving, criminal or civil records, credit information, credit profiles and credit scores. Incomplete, inaccurate, omitted or misleading information is cause for rejection of application.
This information is being requested by Metropolitan Investigative Group, LLC. or their authorized agent. By hitting submit, I hereby authorize, without reservation, any party contacted to furnish the above information. Furthermore, by hitting submit I fully accept the preceding agreement.
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